The Crestview Mutual Water Company Shareholder Website is maintained by shareholders to provide updates and information of interest to shareholders on the activities of Crestview Mutual Water Company.
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Water Allocation

Current Water Rates (2020):

Tier 1 $3.65 / 1000 gallons
Tier 2 $7.75 / 1000 gallons
Tier 3 $10.80 / 1000 gallons

In 2014, the Crestview Board of Directors changed Tier-1 water allocation from a yearly allocation to a monthly allocation of water shares. In other words, you must use your apportioned Tier-1 allocation in the month allotted or you lose it. In high usage months (summer), shareholders may be pushed into more expensive Tier-2 and Tier-3 rates.

How Would You Like To Get Your Tier-1 Water Allocation?

Currently; shareholders receive one equal portion each month,
"use it or you lose it"
Prior to 2014; Your allocation was available all year long to use when and as you needed it


Sample 3-Share Monthly Usage

Water usage above the green allocation line is at Tier-2 or Tier-3 penalty rates. Unused water below the green allocation line is forfeited back to Crestview. The hotter, high usage summer months may put shareholders into Tier-2 and Tier-3 penalty rates under the monthly allocation program.


water use