The Crestview Mutual Water Company Shareholder Website is maintained by shareholders to provide updates and information of interest to shareholders on the activities of Crestview Mutual Water Company.
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"It's your company, It's your water"

Why does this concern you?

You are one of 625 shareholder owners of Crestview Mutual Water Company (”Crestview”).

It is imperative that you, and your shareholder neighbors, are aware of and involved in the acts and actions of Crestview Mutual Water Company. After all, it's your water, and you are paying the bills. Visit the new shareholder forum to stay informed, exchange ideas and comments, and get involved.

Water rates have increased dramatically Do you know why? Visit the new shareholder forum to learn more.


-- Shareholder Update --

On September 14th, 2021, the Ventura County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously (5-0)
to deny the Crestview Well #7 project at 191 Alviso. The decision endorsed the Ventura County Planning Commission's
previous unanimous (5-0) denial of the project. The decision may have saved shareholders millions.

Contrary to the Crestview Board's claim that "influential neighbors that live next door to the Well 7" were jeopardizing water service, the merits of the Crestview Board's plan and lack of due diligence resulted in the projects failure.




Transparency assures all shareholders that all matters, decisions and financial transactions approved by the Board of Directors are available in an honest, complete, and timely manner. After all, it’s your water company, and their decisions have significant financial and legal consequences for all Crestview shareholders.